Özel Jimer Hastanesi
As Jimer Health Group, our goal with the slogan "Everything about health" is to be positioned as a reference hospital not only in our province but also in our region. The satisfaction of you, our valued patients, will be the most decisive source of motivation to progress towards this goal.

With the expansions made, it has become assertive in other branches as well. With the latest arrangement made in its current building, it has opened the VIP patient rooms, new operating room and intensive care unit, bringing the patient comfort and service quality to the highest level. All treatments belonging to the branch of General Surgery are performed. Especially cancer surgeries, thyroid, breast, stomach, thick Surgeries on organs such as the intestine, pancreas and liver are also commonly performed. In addition to the renovated and added operating theaters, the introduction of the highly equipped intensive care unit also plays a role in this. There is also a highly developed laparoscopy system in the hospital operating room. In this way, performing laparoscopically suitable cancer surgeries provides a great advantage for the patient.
With its renewed face, our endoscopy unit continues to provide endoscopic services, which is the most effective method in the diagnosis and early recognition of gastrointestinal diseases, with its expert staff. The pre-pregnancy health conditions of the spouses can sometimes be included in this area of interest. The pediatric endocrinology specialty, which aims to raise healthy individuals from birth to the age of 18, continues this task among patients who reach the age of twenties. , congenital hypothyroidism, goiter and thyroid gland diseases, diabetes, hypoglycemia, sexual development defects, external genital organ problems of boys and girls, adrenal gland diseases, female menstrual irregularity, excessive hair growth, polycystic ovary syndrome, pituitary gland diseases, vitamin D He is interested in diseases related to calcium and phosphorus metabolism, rickets and other bone diseases.
Ear Nose and Throat and Head and Neck Surgery with its experienced specialist staff, inflammatory diseases and tumors of the salivary glands, thyroid gland surgery, surgical treatment of congenital neck masses, treatment of all cancers of the head and neck region, treatment of childhood otolaryngological diseases, middle ear infections, tonsils and adenoid diseases, allergy and sinus diseases. .In Nilüfer Özlüce, the rapidly developing region of Bursa, the Jimer hospital, which brings Jimer Özlüce together with the people of Bursa, opposite Batıkent Metro station, increases its investments in the health sector day by day. provides service with nose and throat diseases, internal diseases, oral and dental health, dietitian and aesthetics and beauty departments.
Yeniliklere açık ve üretken bir ekip anlayışı ile hasta ve çalışan memnuniyetini üst düzeyde tutarak, hizmet kalite standartlarına uygun bir şekilde sağlık hizmetlerinin sunumunu en iyi şekilde gerçekleştirmeye çalışan, bölgesinde sağlık hizmetinin sunumunda en iyi olmayı hedefleyen, güvenilir bir sağlık kuruluşu olmaktır.
Tıbbi etik kurallarına bağlı olarak Sürekli kendini geliştirerek,, hasta ve çalışan memnuniyetini ön planda tutarak güvenli bir şekilde sağlık hizmeti sunmaktır.
The Best Hospital It recived the best hospital award in the 2018 competition -
Baby Friendly Hospital This award is given annually by the Ministry of Health
Anlaşmalı Kurumlar