Limb Extension Surgery: A Transformation from Aesthetics to Health
Height is an important factor that affects individuals’ lives both physically and psychologically. Today, thanks to medical developments, surgical solutions are offered for individuals who are not satisfied with their height or who need to increase their height for medical reasons. Height increase surgery is a procedure performed by lengthening the bones with a special technique and is applied in line with medical requirements as well as aesthetic concerns.

What is Height Extension Surgery?
Height extension surgery is an advanced procedure performed in the field of orthopedic surgery. Basically, the bones are lengthened in a controlled manner using a technique called distraction osteogenesis. This surgery can be performed to treat medical conditions such as leg length difference (leg dysmetria), achondroplasia (dwarfism) or shortness after accidents, and is also preferred for aesthetic reasons.
Surgery Process and Techniques
Length extension surgery is usually performed with 3 main techniques:
1. Ilizarov Method: This method provides gradual lengthening of the bone by means of metal rings and wires placed from the outside. However, the recovery period can be long and carries the risk of infection.
2. Internal Nailing Method: It is the most advanced and latest technological method. There is a device placed inside the bone and a control system controlled from the outside of this device. The patient's daily lengthening procedure is performed with a remote control from outside the body under the control of the physician. This method is less painful and minimizes the risk of infection. It is a less safe method with a complication rate than other methods.
3. Combined Treatment: It is a bone lengthening procedure using both an intra-bone nail and an external fixator, that is, a fixation device placed from outside. Methods 1 and 3 are more prone to complications because the lengthening procedure is performed via a device installed outside the body and placed in the bone. Bone inflammation and nonunion rates are higher than those placed inside the bone.
Healing Process and Risks
Length lengthening surgery requires a healing process that lasts between 6 months and 1 year. While the bones, muscles, nerves and veins try to adapt during the lengthening procedure, patients need to be supported with physical therapy. Under normal conditions, bone lengthening procedures start 1 week after surgery. A program is prepared to lengthen 1 mm per day. However, the amount of lengthening is adjusted according to the doctor's control. Until the lengthening is completed, it is necessary to be under the control of the doctor with x-rays and examinations at certain intervals. After the lengthening is completed, the soft bone is expected to harden, which takes about 2 months.
The potential risks of this surgery are:
• Delay or disorder in bone union
• Infection (especially in external frame methods)
• Pain due to tension in the muscles and nerves
• Long-term rehabilitation process

Who is Suitable for Height Extension Surgery?
This surgical procedure is generally suitable for:
• Individuals with genetically short stature
• Individuals with short extremities due to orthopedic diseases
• Individuals with extremity length differences due to past diseases and to eliminate extremity inequality
• Individuals who want to lengthen their height due to aesthetic concerns.
However, a detailed health screening should be performed before the surgery and psychological preparation should be made.
Height extension surgery has become one of the most remarkable surgical procedures offered by modern medicine. However, since it requires a long and disciplined recovery process, it is important for individuals considering this surgery to make a detailed evaluation with their doctors.
This transformation process, which extends from aesthetics to health, can offer individuals more self-confidence and a comfortable life.

What is Height Extension Surgery?
Height extension surgery is an advanced procedure performed in the field of orthopedic surgery. Basically, the bones are lengthened in a controlled manner using a technique called distraction osteogenesis. This surgery can be performed to treat medical conditions such as leg length difference (leg dysmetria), achondroplasia (dwarfism) or shortness after accidents, and is also preferred for aesthetic reasons.
Surgery Process and Techniques
Length extension surgery is usually performed with 3 main techniques:
1. Ilizarov Method: This method provides gradual lengthening of the bone by means of metal rings and wires placed from the outside. However, the recovery period can be long and carries the risk of infection.
2. Internal Nailing Method: It is the most advanced and latest technological method. There is a device placed inside the bone and a control system controlled from the outside of this device. The patient's daily lengthening procedure is performed with a remote control from outside the body under the control of the physician. This method is less painful and minimizes the risk of infection. It is a less safe method with a complication rate than other methods.
3. Combined Treatment: It is a bone lengthening procedure using both an intra-bone nail and an external fixator, that is, a fixation device placed from outside. Methods 1 and 3 are more prone to complications because the lengthening procedure is performed via a device installed outside the body and placed in the bone. Bone inflammation and nonunion rates are higher than those placed inside the bone.
Healing Process and Risks
Length lengthening surgery requires a healing process that lasts between 6 months and 1 year. While the bones, muscles, nerves and veins try to adapt during the lengthening procedure, patients need to be supported with physical therapy. Under normal conditions, bone lengthening procedures start 1 week after surgery. A program is prepared to lengthen 1 mm per day. However, the amount of lengthening is adjusted according to the doctor's control. Until the lengthening is completed, it is necessary to be under the control of the doctor with x-rays and examinations at certain intervals. After the lengthening is completed, the soft bone is expected to harden, which takes about 2 months.
The potential risks of this surgery are:
• Delay or disorder in bone union
• Infection (especially in external frame methods)
• Pain due to tension in the muscles and nerves
• Long-term rehabilitation process

Who is Suitable for Height Extension Surgery?
This surgical procedure is generally suitable for:
• Individuals with genetically short stature
• Individuals with short extremities due to orthopedic diseases
• Individuals with extremity length differences due to past diseases and to eliminate extremity inequality
• Individuals who want to lengthen their height due to aesthetic concerns.
However, a detailed health screening should be performed before the surgery and psychological preparation should be made.
Height extension surgery has become one of the most remarkable surgical procedures offered by modern medicine. However, since it requires a long and disciplined recovery process, it is important for individuals considering this surgery to make a detailed evaluation with their doctors.
This transformation process, which extends from aesthetics to health, can offer individuals more self-confidence and a comfortable life.